Hi there, Shiro here 👋
This week I finished 2 super-awesome books. Though there were actually 3 but the third one wasn’t much impactful so will not be mentioning that today.
Books were:
“Make Your Bed” by William McRaven. Its review is right here.
“The code of extraordinary mind” by Vishen Lakhiani. Review on Instagram is coming pretty soon. However, this week’s learning is from this book only.
So let’s move toward the learning of the week…
🧠 Weekly Learning(s):
So this book, “The code of extraordinary mind” by Vishen Lakhiani, has truly changed my view about happiness. In case you don’t know, Vishen is a founder of MindValley, one of the most valuable channels on personal growth on YouTube.
Diving into learning…
As the title of this letter says, In today’s letter, I’ll be sharing how to be happy. But first, let’s see why we aren’t happy most of the time.
The very core reason for that is we attach our happiness to something in the future. That something can be your goals such as any particular job, revenue in the business, or materialistic items such as owning an iPhone or maybe some high-end motorbike/car. That’s the problem here. YOU AREN’T LIVING THE PRESENT. As Vishen states in his book:
“There’s no point dwelling in the past and letting it define you, nor in the getting lost in anxiety about the future. In the present moment, you’re in the field of possibility. How you engage with the present moment will direct your life”.
You got the reason, let me share how it can be controlled now:
There are basically 2 elements you need to focus on being happy:
Be happy in the NOW: A key ingredient of this state is that your happiness is not tied to attaining your vision. It comes from the pursuit of your vision, combined with a sense of gratitude for what you already have.
You can work for 12 hours straight, and you might feel tired, but you won’t burn out. All the truly great people have this beautiful happiness associated with pursuing their goals.Develop an exciting vision for your future. It has been observed again and again all great people have one thing in common. They have a vision for their future. It may b a new piece of art to create, service or product to bring to the world, or a family to raise. Being happy in the present is only one part of the story. You need bold dreams pulling you forward, too.
You want a vision for the future that speaks to your soul.
🖊 Weekly Quote(s):
“We shouldn’t do things so we can be happy. We should be happy so we can do things". - Vishen Lakhiani
“You’re feeling elated and happy right now, in this moment. You’re happy as you pursue your vision, not only when you attain it. You’re thus grounded in the present.”- Vishen Lakhiani
That’s all for today. I hope you got some great learnings today.
Check out some previous newsletters right here.
Bye-bye for now. See you next Sunday.
Shiromani Kant (Readerpreneur)
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